Countryside Dental Blog
Scheduling Your Dental Checkup Early in the Year Is a Great Idea; Here’s Why
December 13, 2024

When the new year comes around, many people resolve to better themselves by adopting useful habits. While resolving to eat less fried food, spend more time with the kids, and spend less time watching television can all be excellent ideas, deciding to schedule your next dental appointment early in the year can put you on the path to better oral and overall health for life. Here’s why you should consider scheduling your checkup early in the year.
(more…)Is Flavored Water as Healthy as It Seems?
September 1, 2024

Sugary beverages like juice and soda are notorious health risks. As consumers are becoming more and more concerned about the negative effects of treats like these, tasty and minimal alternatives are becoming more and more popular.
Flavored water is one such alternative. Since it contains fewer suspicious chemicals and more vitamins than their counterparts, it can be a good drink to enjoy while you try to curb a soda addiction. However, not everything is as it seems here. Ultimately, flavored water still poses a risk to your oral health and should be consumed with this in mind.
(more…)Don’t Be So Sensitive: When Tooth Sensitivity Is a Cause for Concern
June 20, 2024

When it comes to interacting with others, a little sensitivity can be a good thing. But when it comes to your mouth, that’s quite another story. Sensitive teeth and gums can be painful, and even a sign of a bigger problem. But how do you know if that sensitive sensation is cause for concern? Here are a few common reasons you might be experiencing discomfort, and when you should schedule an emergency appointment from your dentist if you are.
(more…)Should I Think About Getting Veneers?
March 13, 2024

If you’ve ever wondered why a certain movie star has a seemingly flawless smile, the reason is likely to be veneers. In fact, these cosmetic dental appliances were first invented to alter an actor’s smile as part of a costume on a Hollywood set. If you’re not quite happy with the appearance of your teeth, veneers may be a great way to permanently cover cosmetic flaws to create a beautiful new smile. Here’s a brief overview of how veneers work and why they might be worth considering.
(more…)Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth While Traveling for the Holidays
December 28, 2023
The holidays are a busy time of the year, especially if you’ll be traveling. As you hit the road to spend the season with friends and loved ones, don’t let the festivities damage your pearly whites. A few extra inches around your waistline isn’t the only thing you need to worry about. It can be a bad time for your dental health. Here are 5 tips to keep your mouth healthy while you’re traveling for the holidays.
Is a Salty Smile Good for Your Teeth?
November 14, 2023

You probably already know that limiting your consumption of sugar can lower your chances of developing tooth decay or gum disease. Did you know, though, that salt also can impact your teeth? It’s important to understand the effects of what you’re eating so that you don’t accidentally damage your smile. If your teeth are decayed because of damage from harmful ingredients, you could end up with a dental emergency like a broken or chipped tooth, a root canal, or worse. To avoid dental problems, keep reading to learn more about how salt impacts your pearly whites.
(more…)National Dental Hygiene Month: 3 Ways to Improve the Care You Give Your Smile
October 31, 2023

October is most well-known for Halloween, but it also happens to be National Dental Hygiene Month. As such, now is a good time to take a second look at your dental hygiene routine. Are you doing everything you can to give your smile the care it deserves? Or is there room for improvement? Your dentist is here to suggest 3 ways that you may want to consider updating your dental hygiene habits.
(more…)Why to Get Fillings by Year’s End
September 28, 2023

If your dentist suggested fillings at your last checkup, you may be tempted to put off care. Another treatment can sound needless if you aren’t in pain or don’t see the point. Truthfully, though, delaying the procedure isn’t a good idea. In fact, you should get fillings by the end of the year. Doing so is good for your health and saves you money. To learn more, here’s a summary of the matter from your local Buffalo Grove dentist.
(more…)How Dentists Prepare Your Teeth for Dental Crown Restoration
July 21, 2023

Dentistry has continued to advance year after year, encompassing more aspects of oral care and overall health. As dental technology advances so must the dentists who use it, increasing their education and skills to match the demand for more natural-looking treatments like dental crowns.
With all the training and work dentists must do each day, they often don’t have time to sit down with patients and discuss how they do what they do. This can cause a disconnect between a dentist and their patient, often manifesting as distrust or anxiety.
This blog aims to start taking down those barriers and building more trust by offering a detailed look behind the curtain. Keep reading to learn about the processes and techniques that create the perfect dental crown.
(more…)See Your Dentist Before Your Summer Vacation Begins
June 23, 2023

By the time summer rolls around, many families just want to focus on having fun and preparing for any big trips that they might be planning. But while you’re getting ready for your summer activities, many oral health professionals recommend that you also make time for a quick trip to the dentist’s office. It may seem like a chore, but in the long run, your smile may thank you for it. Here’s why early summer dental appointments can be important.