3 Ways to Start Maximizing Your Dental Insurance Benefits
October 19, 2021
The end of the year is right around the corner, which means you’re probably looking over your to-do list to make sure you’re not missing any important tasks or errands you need to get out of the way. As you plan your schedule, it’s worthwhile to confirm if you have any unused insurance benefits that could be put towards your dental treatments. The ADA notes that the average American with dental insurance receives only $323 of dental treatment a year, despite a typical annual maximum reaching as high as $1,250. With that said, here are three tips to help you get started.
Maximize Your Preventive Visits
It’s rare that people complete all the routine preventive visits they are entitled to under their dental insurance plan, making it a great place to start when you still have benefits to maximize. Most plans allot at least two checkups and cleanings per year. Furthermore, these services are considered preventive, which means they also receive the best coverage from insurance plans in most cases.
If you aren’t getting at least two checkups and cleanings a year, you’re likely leaving money on the table that’s supposed to be put towards your long-term oral health. As a bonus, you’re reducing your risk of needing more expensive restorative or emergency dentistry later by being proactive, saving you more on potential dental care later.
Complete a Pre-Treatment Estimate
One of the reasons people tend to put off dental appointments is because they are afraid of being hit with surprise dental fees they didn’t realize they’d have to pay. In order to make your care more predictable, it’s worth it to request a pre-treatment estimate for your care.
When you request an estimate, the dental office sends it to the insurance company directly, who then sends the office a form highlighting what your benefits will cover based on the plan you use. It’s also a great way to confirm exactly what benefits you have left, ensuring nothing gets left behind after they reset in the new year.
Schedule Multiple Appointments Over Time
If you know you need treatment that’s going to take multiple appointments to complete, it’s also a good idea to schedule visits that extend into multiple years.
For example, getting a dental crown generally takes two visits, which means it’s worth speaking with the dentist about completing the first portion of care in the current year (which includes preparing the tooth and receiving a temporary crown), then finishing your treatment in the new year (having the permanent crown attached). Separating treatments in this way lets you maximize any benefits you have left now, then make use of your newly reset benefits immediately afterwards.
No matter what benefits you have left, dentists are more than ready to help you make the most of them. Get in touch with one today to learn other tips to maximize dental insurance benefits in Buffalo Grove today!
About the Author
Dr. Nagornaya is in-network with many major dental insurance providers, so her team is highly experienced with helping patients get the most out of their benefits before the end of the year. On top of filing claim forms, her team will gladly process a pre-treatment estimate as well to help you keep dental care costs more predictable. To schedule an appointment, you can contact her through her website.
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