Delta Dental Insurance – Buffalo Grove, IL
Understanding the Delta Dental PPO Plan

Do you have Delta Dental PPO insurance benefits? We have excellent news for you! Dr. Nagornaya is in network with Delta Dental PPO, which makes it easier to get the high quality dentistry you need and deserve from a caring and gentle Delta Dentist in Buffalo Grove.
What Does In-Network Mean?
So, what does it mean to have Countryside Dental in your Delta Dental PPO network? Working with an in-network provider gives patients the opportunity to receive the highest amount of benefit their plan allows and significant discounts on many services.
How Does My Delta Dental Plan Work?
It’s important to understand that even within the Delta Dental PPO network each plan is unique. With that being said, we can give you an overview of how dental insurance works. Most plans have a yearly maximum. This is the maximum amount that your insurance will pay for dental services each year. This amount typically ranges from $1000 to $2000. Your plan might also have a deductible. This is an out-of-pocket amount that has to be met before Major or Basic treatment can be completed. It typically ranges from $50 to $300.
Some dental plans also include waiting periods. This is a time period that has to pass before more complex procedures such as root canal therapy or a dental crown can be done. Major work such as crowns or dental fillings are usually covered at 40% – 80%, and coverage is higher when you utilize an in-network dentist.
The Importance of Preventive Care
If you have Delta Dental PPO insurance, there is really no reason you shouldn’t be visiting Dr. Nagornaya every six months for cleanings and checkups. When you go to an in-network PPO Dentist, your two preventive appointments are typically covered in full depending on your dental coverage.
Your preventive appointments allow Dr. Nagornaya to diagnose any dental concerns in their earliest stages, giving you the opportunity to utilize fewer complex procedures to restore your oral health. We are also able to detect concerns such as oral cancer or gum disease, which are more successfully treated early on. During your cleaning, your Hygienist will remove the bacteria and plaque buildup that causes many of these issues.
Ready to Learn More?
Do you have questions about your particular Delta Dental PPO plan? Our knowledgeable Team at Countryside Dental is here to research your benefits so we can inform you of the unique details about your plan and coverage. Give us a call today at 847-607-6532 to schedule your next appointment or learn more about your Delta Dental PPO insurance plan.